The Sleeping Dog
The Sleeping Dog The Sleeping Dog Long ago, in the time before there were people, a dog was found sleeping in the middle of a dark forest. It was sleeping on its side with its legs spread in front of it. It was happy. It was the first dog ever to live on the Earth. Most of the time, the dog just slept. The dog sleeping all day wasn't a problem. But it became a problem when a monkey saw it lying there. Now, the monkey was a nice enough animal, but it caused more than its share of trouble. T
The Sleeping Dog

The Sleeping Dog

Long ago, in the time before there were people, a dog was found sleeping in the middle of a dark forest.It was sleeping on its side with its legs spread in front of it.It was happy.It was the first dog ever to live on the Earth.Most of the time, the dog just slept.

The dog sleeping all day wasn't a problem.But it became a problem when a monkey saw it lying there.Now, the monkey was a nice enough animal, but it caused more than its share of trouble.

The monkey jumped from a tree to the ground.It looked at the dog from the front and then from the back.The monkey couldn't make head or tail of this creature.So the monkey climbed into a tree and hung upside down to see if the dog looked different from that angle.The dog looked just the same upside down.

The monkey couldn't figure out what the dog was.Remember that this was the very first dog on Earth.No one had ever seen a dog before.The monkey wanted to tell the other animals what it had found.Monkeys, as I'm sure you know, have big mouths.

Many animals came to see what the monkey had found.
"So," the monkey began, "this is the new creature I have found.Have any of you ever seen one before?"
An elephant bent its head way down and looked at the dog."Well," said the elephant, curling its trunk as it spoke, "it's not an elephant."
"Thanks a lot," said Monkey."You aren't being very helpful."
Next in line was a gentle okapi.It took a good look at the sleeping dog.In a voice the others could barely hear, the okapi said, "Sorry, I can't help you.It's not an okapi, and I'm sure it isn't a giraffe."