Snow Camping
Snow Camping Snow Camping January 8,4:00 pm I cannot believe I am going snow camping in two days! Dad promised I could go when I turned eight. That is when Kate first went with Dad. She is twelve now. So this year will be her fifth snow camping trip. Kate says snow camping is fun. I should not be scared. But I AM scared. How will I stay warm? What is it like to sleep in a snow dome? Is it like sleeping in a freezer? Kate will roll her eyes if I whine. She will say "Stop being a baby M
Snow Camping

Snow Camping

January 8,4:00 pm
I cannot believe I am going snow camping in two days!Dad promised I could go when I turned eight.That is when Kate first went with Dad. She is twelve now.So this year will be her fifth snow camping trip.
Kate says snow camping is fun.I should not be scared. But I AM scared.How will I stay warm?What is it like to sleep in a snow dome?Is it like sleeping in a freezer?
Kate will roll her eyes if I whine.She will say "Stop being a baby Maddie!"I want to be brave, like Kate.
January 9, 7:30 pm
Dad and I just packed my backpack.He says the trick to staying warm is to wear several loose layers of fast-drying clothes.He also said that wearing wet clothes in the frigid cold causes hypothermia.I did not know until tonight that hypothermia is when your body cannot make enough heat to stay warm.People can DIE from hypothermia!!!!!
January 10,11:30 am
Dad was right! I AM warm!!!We hiked for two hours to our campsite—in snowshoes!I was so hot. I even took off my coat!
It is SO quiet here, except for the sound of our snowshoes moving across the snow.It sounds like this: WHUMF WHUMF.
I have to go. We are going to build a snow dome now!!!!
January 10, 5:00 pm
Wow! Making a quinzhee is tiring—but fun.First we made a massive pile of snow with our shovels.Then we ate lunch. The snow hardened.Then we carved out the dome.
Our quinzhee looked like a snow cave.We even added a kitchen!
I am still scared to sleep in there.Will we freeze while sleeping in snow?Will the quinzhee fall in on top of us?