Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs
Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs When Tommy was a little boy, he had a grandmother and a great-grandmother. He loved both of them very much. He and his family would go to visit every Sunday afternoon. His grandmother always seemed to be standing by the big black stove in the kitchen. His great-grandmother was always in bed upstairs because she was ninety-four years old. So Tommy called them Nana Downstairs and Nana Upstairs. Almost every Sunday was th
Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs

Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs

When Tommy was a little boy, he had a grandmother and a great-grandmother.
He loved both of them very much.
He and his family would go to visit every Sunday afternoon.His grandmother always seemed to be standing by the big black stove in the kitchen.
His great-grandmother was always in bed upstairs because she was ninety-four years old.
So Tommy called them Nana Downstairs and Nana Upstairs.
Almost every Sunday was the same.Tommy would run into the house, say hello to his Grandfather Tom and Nana Downstairs,and then go up the back stairway to the bedroom where Nana Upstairs was.
"Get some candy," Nana Upstairs would say.And he would open the lid of the sewing box on the dresser, and there would be candy mints.
Once Nana Downstairs came into the bedroom and helped Nana Upstairs to the big Morris chair and tied her in so she wouldn't fall out.
"Why will Nana Upstairs fall out?" Tommy asked.
"Because she is ninety-four years old," Nana Downstairs said."I'm four years old," Tommy said. "Tie me in a chair too!"
So every Sunday, after he found the candy mints in the sewing box on the dresser,Nana Downstairs would come up the back stairway
and tie Nana Upstairs and Tommy in their chairs, and then they would eat their candy and talk.
Nana Upstairs told him about the "Little People."
"Watch out for the fresh one with the hat with the red feather in it.He plays with matches," she said. "I will," said Tommy.
"There he is!" she said. "Over by the brush and comb. See him?" Tommy nodded.
When Nana Downstairs had finished her work by the big black stoveand baked a cake to eat before Tommy went home, she would come back upstairs.
"Now," Nana Downstairs would say as she untied Tommy from his chair."We must all take our naps."