Berries, Berries, Berries
Berries, Berries, Berries Berries Berries Berries Chapter 1 Baking Pies Bear lived in the wild woods. He was busy baking pies in his den. Bear had made strawberry pies, blackberry pies, and cranberry pies. He was getting ready for the long, cold winter. Bear would sleep all winter. When he woke up in spring, he would need lots of food. Now he wanted to make some blueberry pies. "Oh no!" cried Bear. "I've run out of berries. I must pick some more." Bear went to find more berries. He
Berries, Berries, Berries

Berries Berries Berries

Chapter 1 Baking Pies

Bear lived in the wild woods. He was busy baking pies in his den.Bear had made strawberry pies, blackberry pies, and cranberry pies.
He was getting ready for the long, cold winter.
Bear would sleep all winter.When he woke up in spring, he would need lots of food.
Now he wanted to make some blueberry pies.
"Oh no!" cried Bear. "I've run out of berries. I must pick some more."
Bear went to find more berries. He walked till his feet ached.
But Bear made a terrible discovery. There were no berries near his den.
Bear sat down under a tree to concentrate.He had to think of a plan, and he had to think fast!There were winter snow clouds in the sky already.
Bear thought he would go deeper into the woods to look for berries.As he walked along, his stomach began growling and grumbling.He had been so busy cooking that he had eaten nothing all day. He was very hungry.
Chapter 2 Friends to the Rescue

As he walked, Bear met his friend Raccoon.
"Good morning, Bear," said Raccoon. "Are you ready for the big sleep?"
"No, I am not!" growled Bear. "I have run out of berries to make my spring pies."