Anansi and the Three Tasks
Anansi and the Three Tasks Anansi and the Three Tasks Cast: Anansi; Sky; Fox: Anansi's wife; Snake; Wasps Scene 1 Narrator: Long ago, the Sky owned all the world's stories. Anansi the Spider was sad about this. Anansi told this to his wife. Anansi: The stories of our past should belong to everyone. I think I will try to buy the stories from the Sky. Wife: That's foolish! The stories will cost too much. Anansi: Maybe that's true. But I still want to try. Narrator: Anansi went to see
Anansi and the Three Tasks

Anansi and the Three Tasks

Cast: Anansi; Sky; Fox: Anansi's wife; Snake; Wasps

Scene 1

Narrator: Long ago, the Sky owned all the world's stories.Anansi the Spider was sad about this. Anansi told this to his wife.
Anansi: The stories of our past should belong to everyone.I think I will try to buy the stories from the Sky.
Wife: That's foolish! The stories will cost too much.
Anansi: Maybe that's true. But I still want to try.
Narrator: Anansi went to see the Sky.
Narrator: The Sky was stormy when Anansi arrived.
Anansi: Sky, you are the owner of all the world's stories.I would like to buy the stories from you.
Sky: You foolish spider! The price for the stories is too high for you.
Anansi: No price is too high.What do you want for the world's stories?
Sky: You must bring me three things.First, I want a snake. Second, I want a little fox.Third, I want 47 wasps.If you complete these three tasks, you can have the stories.
Anansi: Is that all? I will have some adventures bringing you these things.
Narrator: Anansi went home. Anansi told his wife about the first task.They began to think of a plan.
Scene 2

Narrator: The next day Anansi and his wife went to the river.The spiders brought some rope and waited. Soon a snake slid by.
Anansi: It is not true! Wife: Oh yes, it is true!