Inside the Beast
Inside the Beast Inside the Beast Ahead of me, the great beast roared from the pit. It seemed to be in pain. Its huge mouth opened and closed quickly again and again. A stench came from within. “Atenga, what is that thing?” I asked my guide. “It feeds the group, Wanderer of the Wastes. It is our protector, the Great Ice Beast Egdirf, from the frozen north.” I stepped forward toward the edge of the pit. Below, the skin of the creature lit up like silver moonlight dancing on black water.
Inside the Beast

Inside the Beast

Ahead of me, the great beast roared from the pit.It seemed to be in pain.Its huge mouth opened and closed quickly again and again.A stench came from within.
“Atenga, what is that thing?” I asked my guide.
“It feeds the group, Wanderer of the Wastes.It is our protector, the Great Ice Beast Egdirf, from the frozen north.”
I stepped forward toward the edge of the pit.Below, the skin of the creature lit up like silver moonlight dancing on black water.The guide hung back, fear in his eyes.
The beast roared again, its stench and pain filling the air.
“What do you do with it?” I asked the guide.
He replied, “We feed it, and in return it feeds us.We place food inside its mouth.The beast will protect what is placed inside it from the desert heat.We then feed from it like fleas from a dog.When we're done, we leave the leftovers for the beast.”
“Well, something has made it sick,” I said.“I can tell from the stench that it's ill.”
“Wanderer, what are we to do?” Atenga cried.“Without the protector we will waste away to nothing.”
I turned to him, my jaw set.“Someone's got to get in there and remove the cause of the illness.”