Freddy Finds the Thief
Freddy Finds the Thief Freddy Finds the Thief PART ONE In the Castle Hello, I'm the King. King Harold. Hello, I'm the Queen. Queen Matilda. Good morning, my dear. Good morning, my love. The Queen is very beautiful. She has a golden harp. In the morning she sings. In the evening she plays the golden harp. The Queen sings and plays the golden harp. The King listens. And this is the castle. We live in the castle. It's very big. And it's very beautiful. But one day... Li
Freddy Finds the Thief

Freddy Finds the Thief

PART ONE In the Castle

Hello, I'm the King. King Harold.
Hello, I'm the Queen. Queen Matilda.
Good morning, my dear.
Good morning, my love.
The Queen is very beautiful.She has a golden harp.
In the morning she sings.In the evening she plays the golden harp.
The Queen sings and plays the golden harp. The King listens.
And this is the castle. We live in the castle.
It's very big. And it's very beautiful.
But one day...
Listen to me everybody. Where is the harp?The Queen's harp is not here!
Oh no! A thief! A thief!
A thief! A thief! A thief has the harp.We must find it.
I am very angry. I must find the harp.
I am very sad. I want to sing and play.
And I must find the thief!
The King decides to give...Yes, 500 gold pieces to the man who finds the thief.
And 500 gold pieces is a lot of money!
PART TWO In Freddy Redfoot's House

Freddy, it's dinner time!
Thank you, my love.
Would you like a potato?
No, thanks. I'd, I'd like a hamburger.
Would you like a carrot?
No, thanks. I'd like a hamburger!
But, Freddy, we're poor. We're not rich.
OK. I understand. No hamburgers today!
Listen... Open the door, Freddy.
Hello, Freddy! Hello, Alison!
Hello, Robin. How are you?
Oh, fine. Fine, thanks. And you?
We're hungry and poor.
We need money.
Well, look at this.
Wow! 500 gold pieces to the man who finds the thief.
Wow! Freddy, you must go. Me?
Yes, you must find the harp.