A Day With the Dogs
A Day With the Dogs A Day With the Dogs "Dana! Wake up!" Dana opened her eyes to see her mother leaning over the bed. "The animal rescue shelter called. A bad snowstorm is on the way. They expect the volunteers to bring in a lot of stray dogs today. Do you want to come to the shelter with me to help out?" Without a word, Dana sat up and jumped out of bed. "That's what I thought you'd say," laughed her mother. Dana had recently begun volunteering at the animal rescue shelter where her mom
A Day With the Dogs

A Day With the Dogs

"Dana! Wake up!" Dana opened her eyes to see her mother leaning over the bed."The animal rescue shelter called.A bad snowstorm is on the way.They expect the volunteers to bring in a lot of stray dogs today.Do you want to come to the shelter with me to help out?"
Without a word, Dana sat up and jumped out of bed.
"That's what I thought you'd say," laughed her mother.
Dana had recently begun volunteering at the animal rescue shelterwhere her mom worked as a veterinarian.The shelter was just across the bay from their house.
Dana was learning many different jobs at the shelter.She fed the dogs and cleaned their cages.She played catch with the dogs in the shelter's backyard.Dana's favorite job, however, was introducing people to the dogs waiting for adoption.Whenever a dog found a new home, Dana was especially pleased!
The road to the shelter crossed over the bay.Dana looked for boats in the channel, but there were none.Dana's mom turned on the radio to listen to the news as they drove.The weather reporter announced that a blizzard might hit some parts of the state.
Dana looked at the sky. "Will we get a blizzard here?" she asked.
"We don't usually get blizzards," her mom said, "but it will get very cold and snowy."
Dana forgot about the snowstorm as soon as she entered the animal shelter."Hi, Dr. Tran," Dana said. "Hi, Maria." Dana worked with Dr. Tran and Maria.They had taught her a lot about dogs already.
"Hi, Dana," Dr. Tran said. "I'm very glad to see you.We need all the help we can get today."
Maria said, "Since it's going to be so busy, I'm putting you in charge of taking care of the dogs.Do you think you can handle it?"
"Oh, yes!" Dana exclaimed.
Maria and Dana started down the long hall to the kennel area.As they walked, Dana heard loud wailing noises.She knew they were coming from the dogs.
"Why are the dogs crying like that?" she asked."I've never heard them sound so sad."
"Animals often sense changes in the weather," Maria answered."This is their way of telling us they don't like it one bit!"
When the dogs saw Dana they became quiet.Many of them raced to the front of their cages to greet her. Stumpy led the pack.He had lost his front leg in a fight, but he ran just as quickly as the other dogs.Butterfly stuck her nose through the bars.Her pink tongue darted out of her mouth to lick Dana's hand.It is nice to be surrounded by so many friends, Dana thought.