THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF Long ago there was a boy named Daniel. Daniel was a shepherd. Each day, he climbed the hill near the small village where he lived. At the top of the hill, he was able to look down upon his flock of sheep. It was his job to watch the sheep and make sure they did not get into trouble. Daniel sat under a big, leafy tree and watched the sheep as they grazed peacefully. Sitting alone on the hill each day was boring for the boy. He wished for a more int


Long ago there was a boy named Daniel.Daniel was a shepherd.Each day, he climbed the hill near the small village where he lived.At the top of the hill, he was able to look down upon his flock of sheep.It was his job to watch the sheep and make sure they did not get into trouble.Daniel sat under a big, leafy tree and watched the sheep as they grazed peacefully.

Sitting alone on the hill each day was boring for the boy.He wished for a more interesting job.Daniel wanted to be busy.
He looked down to the village below.Maybe something exciting would happen to take his mind off his boredom.Daniel watched a farmer and his son working in their field.He saw a woman filling two pails with water from the well.A gardener planted flowers.
One day, Daniel was even more bored than usual.He decided to play a trick on the villagers.Maybe that would help pass the time.
The trick was simple.Daniel stood at the top of the hill and cried out with great excitement,"Wolf! Wolf! There is a wolf chasing the sheep!"
The villagers had been worried all week that a wolf in the area might try to eat some of their sheep.Daniel knew that crying wolf would cause a stir.
The people in the village stopped what they were doing when they heard Daniel's cries.They ran up the hill as fast as they could to see what they could do to stop the wolf.When they reached the top of the hill, they did not see a wolf.
Instead, they found Daniel lying under the big, leafy tree.He was rolling from side to side and laughing.
"I tricked you!" he said, as he laughed.
The villagers were shocked and angry.The farmer and his son were even angrier than the rest.They worked hard all day, while Daniel sat on top of the hill.
"This is not funny at all!" the farmer said to Daniel."We left our work and ran up the hill to help you.Do not do this ever again!"
Daniel was not able to answer the farmer.He was too busy laughing at his trick!
A few days later, Daniel was feeling bored again."Tricking the people in the village was fun," he thought."I'm going to do it again!"
So, for the second time Daniel cried out,"Wolf! Wolf! There is a wolf chasing the sheep!"Once again, the people in the village stopped what they were doing.They ran up the hill as fast as they could to help.
There was Daniel, sitting under the big, leafy tree and laughing."I did it again! I tricked you again!" he shouted.He motioned toward the sheep, which were grazing peacefully.
Daniel laughed for a very long time at the villagers.He was delighted that they had fallen for his trick and raced up the hill once again!He laughed so hard that his stomach began to hurt.