The Colonial Adventure
The Colonial Adventure The Colonial Adventure Elizabeth stood on the dock and looked at the huge ship. Her family was about to leave for their new home across the ocean. They were going to live in the New England colony called Massachusetts. Elizabeth was eleven. It was her job to look after her five younger brothers and sisters. Elizabeth had never left England. She was nervous about the trip ahead. She and her family would start a whole new life in a land that they knew very little about.
The Colonial Adventure

The Colonial Adventure

Elizabeth stood on the dock and looked at the huge ship.Her family was about to leave for their new home across the ocean.They were going to live in the New England colony called Massachusetts.
Elizabeth was eleven.It was her job to look after her five younger brothers and sisters.Elizabeth had never left England.She was nervous about the trip ahead.She and her family would start a whole new life in a land that they knew very little about.
Soon Elizabeth and her family boarded the ship and began the long voyage to New England.Huge barrels of food and water had been brought aboard so they would have enough to eat during the trip.Still, there were many things that could go wrong while the ship was sailing on the open sea.
There was very little room on board the ship.The trip lasted for two months, and Elizabeth grew bored on the journey.To fight the boredom, she read letters she had kept from her cousin Sarah.
Sarah's family had moved to Jamestown, Virginia, a colony far to the south of Massachusetts.Elizabeth would have many of the same challenges that Sarah had written about in her letters.
Elizabeth smoothed open a letter and read:
Dear Cousin Elizabeth,
After many delays, we finally set sail in late January.It was a bumpy ocean crossing!There was a big storm in the middle of our voyage.All the grown-ups were very worried.Fortunately, we arrived safely in the Jamestown colony and started building our new home.
Everything here is so different, even the weather!You cannot imagine how hot the summers are in Virginia.They're worse than anything in England!We have to be careful that there is enough food and that none of it will spoil in the heat.To keep the food cool, we store as much of it as we can in the underground cellar.
I must go do my chores now.I promise to write again.
Your cousin, Sarah