Angelina and the Princess
Angelina and the Princess Angelina and the Princess Angelina was much too excited to sleep. The students at Miss Lilly's Ballet School had been asked to dance for Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Mouseland. Mr Lightfoot, Director of the famous Royal Ballet Company, was coming tomorrow to help Miss Lilly choose the best ballerinas for the special performance. Angelina wanted a leading part so much that she worked on her plies and pirouettes far into the night when she should have been sound asl
Angelina and the Princess

Angelina and the Princess

Angelina was much too excited to sleep.The students at Miss Lilly's Ballet School had been asked to dance for Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Mouseland.Mr Lightfoot, Director of the famous Royal Ballet Company,was coming tomorrow to help Miss Lilly choose the best ballerinas for the special performance.Angelina wanted a leading part so much that she worked on her plies and pirouettes far into the nightwhen she should have been sound asleep.

The next morning Angelina woke up feeling terrible.Her head ached and her ears buzzed.Angelina's mother took her temperature and shook her head sadly.

"I'm afraid you'll have to stay in bed," she said."You can't go to ballet school when you're not well."

But Angelina was determined to go.While her mother was busy downstairs Angelina packed her ballet bag...

...and tiptoed out of the house.

Angelina arrived at Miss Lilly's Ballet School just in time to join her friends Flora and Felicityand all the other ballerinas who were waiting to go on stage.Flora did a nimble leap and a delicate spin...

...and then it was Angelina's turn to dance.Her heart started beating like a drum and she couldn't remember what she was supposed to be doing.

The music started and Angelina knew she had to begin.She tried one step, she tried another...
...then she began twirling and spinning like a top until she was so dizzy she lost her balance,tripped on her pink ribbons and tumbled down with a thump.
Flora and Felicity were given the leading roles in the Dance of the Flower Fairies.Later, Miss Lilly called for Angelina."I'm afraid you will have to take a smaller part this time," she said, trying to be kind.