Rabbit Tricks Coyote
Rabbit Tricks Coyote Rabbit Tricks Coyote Chapter 1 Rabbit and Farmer Hungry Rabbit looked over Farmer's garden. "Let's see, what shall I have for lunch today?" Rabbit thought. "Hmmm. Those chiles look tasty!" So Rabbit hopped into the garden and began to stuff his face with chiles. Farmer cried, "Stop, Rabbit! I noticed most of my carrots were gone yesterday. And today, it's my chiles!" Before Rabbit could run away, Farmer grabbed him by the ears. Then Farmer shoved Rabbit into a sack.
Rabbit Tricks Coyote

Rabbit Tricks Coyote

Chapter 1 Rabbit and Farmer

Hungry Rabbit looked over Farmer's garden."Let's see, what shall I have for lunch today?" Rabbit thought."Hmmm. Those chiles look tasty!"So Rabbit hopped into the garden and began to stuff his face with chiles.

Farmer cried, "Stop, Rabbit!I noticed most of my carrots were gone yesterday.And today, it's my chiles!"
Before Rabbit could run away, Farmer grabbed him by the ears.Then Farmer shoved Rabbit into a sack.
"What a tasty stew I'll make!With my carrots, onions, chiles, and Rabbit my stew will be even more delicious!" Farmer said.
Rabbit asked the Farmer to let him go.But Farmer would not listen to Rabbit and hung the sack on a peg.
Then off Farmer went to fill a pot with water.Rabbit could not argue his way out of the sack.
Just then, Rabbit saw Coyote walking by. Rabbit had an idea."Coyote, my dear friend! Quick, come over here!" Rabbit called.
Chapter 2 Rabbit and Coyote

"What's wrong?" Coyote asked.
Rabbit said, "Nothing's wrong.I'm singing at Farmer's fiesta to celebrate the full moon."
Coyote laughed, "But you can't sing!"
"Well, you sing better than I do," Rabbit said."Why not take my place?"
So Rabbit and Coyote traded places.Coyote made himself cozy in the sack.And Rabbit dashed away.
Farmer arrived. He took down the sack. He saw Coyote.Farmer dropped the sack in fear and Coyote ran off.
"Rabbit tricked me!" Coyote thought. "He won't get away with this!"