Angelina Ice Skates
Angelina Ice Skates Angelina Ice Skates Angelina absolutely loved snowy winter days when she could ice skate with her friends on Miller's Pond. The ice sparkled like glass and they raced across it in pairs, practising spins and twirls and figure-eights. Everyone in the village was getting ready for New Year's Eve, and Angelina was preparing a special ice skating show. Her little cousin Henry wanted to be in the show, too, even though he often tumbled off the ice and fell into the snowbanks.
Angelina Ice Skates

Angelina Ice Skates

Angelina absolutely loved snowy winter days when she could ice skate with her friends on Miller's Pond.The ice sparkled like glass and they raced across it in pairs,practising spins and twirls and figure-eights.
Everyone in the village was getting ready for New Year's Eve,and Angelina was preparing a special ice skating show.Her little cousin Henry wanted to be in the show, too,even though he often tumbled off the ice and fell into the snowbanks.
"We'll need someone to be the Snow King," said Angelina's friend Flora,pirouetting across the ice as the Snow Princess.
"I'll be the King!"shouted Henry, but then he tripped and slid into Alice, who was going to be the Snow Fairy.
"You'd be a better snow shovel!" said Alice crossly as she dusted off her skates.
"Don't worry, Henry," said Angelina. "Hold on to me and let's practise skating together."
They linked their tails and tried to skate in a circle, but it wasn't easy on the slippery ice.Just then Spike and Sammy, two big boys from school, raced by playing hockey and almost knocked them all over.
"HEY!"shouted Felicity, but the boys were already gone, laughing and yelling across the ice.
"Never mind," said Angelina, helping Felicity get her balance."Let me show you how to skate backwards."
But, before long, Spike and Sammy tore past again, spraying snow in all directions.When they zipped through Angelina's rehearsal a third time, she got angry.
"Please stop interrupting us!"she scolded.
But the boys just laughed, grabbed Angelina's scarf, and tweaked Flora's whiskers.
"Little ballerinas can't catch us!" they shouted as they zoomed away.
Angelina and her friends chased Spike and Sammy all across the ice,and then Angelina made a huge snowball and hurled it at the boys.
"Great! A snowball fight!" Spike yelled, throwing one back at Angelina.Then everybody started throwing snowballs everywhere,and soon Millers Pond was a blizzard of flying snow and shouting skaters.