MADELINE AND THE BAD HAT MADELINE AND THE BAD HAT In an old house in Paris That was covered with vines Lived twelve little girls In two straight lines. They left the house at half-past-nine In two straight lines, in rain or shine. The smallest one was Madeline. One day the Spanish Ambassador Moved into the house next door. Look, my darlings, what bliss, what joy! His Excellency has a boy. Madeline said, “It is evident that This little boy is a Bad Hat!” In the spring when bi


In an old house in ParisThat was covered with vinesLived twelve little girlsIn two straight lines.They left the house at half-past-nineIn two straight lines, in rain or shine.The smallest one was Madeline.

One day the Spanish Ambassador

Moved into the house next door.

Look, my darlings, what bliss, what joy!

His Excellency has a boy.

Madeline said, “It is evident that
This little boy is a Bad Hat!”
In the spring when birdies sing
Something suddenly went “zing!”
Causing pain and shocked surprise
During morning exercise.
On hot summer nights he ghosted;
In the autumn wind he boasted
That he flew the highest kite.
Year in, year out, he was polite.
He was sure and quick on ice,
And Miss Clavel said, “Isn’t he nice!”
One day he climbed upon the wallAnd cried, “Come, I invite you all!Come over some time, and I’ll let you seeMy toys and my menagerie—My frogs and birds and bugs and bats,Squirrels, hedgehogs, and two cats.The hunting in this neighborhoodIs exceptionally good.”
But Madeline said, “Please don’t molest us,
Your menagerie does not interest us.”
He changed his clothes and said, “I bet
This invitation they’ll accept.”
Madeline answered, “A ToreroIs not at all our idea of a hero!”The poor lad left; he was lonesome and blue;He shut himself in—what else could he do?
But in a short while, the little elf
Was back again, and his old self.
Said Miss Clavel, “It seems to me
He needs an outlet for his energy.
“A chest of tools might be attractive
For a little boy that’s very active.
“I knew it—listen to him play,
Hammering, sawing, and working away.”
Oh, but that boy was really mean!
He built himself a GUILLOTINE!
He was unmoved by the last look
The frightened chickens gave the cook.