Bringing Down the moon
Bringing Down the moon Bringing Down the moon "Hot diggety!" exclaimed Mole as he burrowed out of the ground one night. "Whatever's that?" The moon was hanging in the sky above him, like a bright silver coin. Mole thought that it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. "Whatever it is, I must have it." Mole said to himself. "I know. I'll jump up and pull it down." THUMP THUMP! THUMPETY BUMP! Mole was so busy jumping he didn't think about the noise he was making, And h
Bringing Down the moon

Bringing Down the moon

"Hot diggety!" exclaimed Mole as he burrowed out of the ground one night.
"Whatever's that?"
The moon was hanging in the sky above him, like a bright silver coin.
Mole thought that it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
"Whatever it is, I must have it." Mole said to himself.
"I know. I'll jump up and pull it down."
Mole was so busy jumping he didn't think about the noise he was making,
And he woke up Rabbit in her burrow.
"Mole!" said Rabbit. "What on earth do you think you're doing?"
"Hello, Rabbit." said Mole. "I'm trying to pull down that shiny thing."
"You mean the moon?" asked Rabbit.
"So that's what it's called," said Mole.
"You'll never do that," said Rabbit. "It's not as close as it looks."
But Mole would not give up.
"I know," he thought. "I'll get a stick and poke it down."
He found a long stick and poked it up at the moon.
Mole was so busy poking that he tripped over Hedgehog in his bed of leaves.