Grandpop's Brave Choice
Grandpop's Brave Choice Grandpop's Brave Choice Grandpop Lets His Voice Be Heard Grandpop marched proudly through town. He had a spring in his step as he walked along the street with confidence. He nodded to the men and raised his hat to the women as he passed. I followed behind him, trying to keep up. Grandpop had waited for me to finish my chores so that I could go with him. Now he was in a hurry. He couldn't be late. "Today is a special day!" Grandpop kept telling me, with a look of joy
Grandpop's Brave Choice

Grandpop's Brave Choice

Grandpop Lets His Voice Be Heard
Grandpop marched proudly through town.He had a spring in his step as he walked along the street with confidence.He nodded to the men and raised his hat to the women as he passed.I followed behind him, trying to keep up.Grandpop had waited for me to finish my chores so that I could go with him.Now he was in a hurry.He couldn't be late.
"Today is a special day!" Grandpop kept telling me, with a look of joy on his face."Today I get to vote!"
Finally, Grandpop stopped outside a big store.A sign hung in the window.It had big red letters on it that spelled out, "Vote Here!"Grandpop's face broke into a smile.He opened the door and walked in.
A man was reading a newspaper behind a desk.He looked up when we entered and walked around his desk toward us."Hello, Mr. Knox," the man said."What brings you in today?"
"I came to vote, Mr. Boyd!" Grandpop said in a serious voice."I know my rights.The government says that I have the right to vote.Today I'm going to do just that!"
Mr. Boyd looked past Grandpop at a large wall clock."You only have five minutes left before the store closes.You'll have to hurry," he advised.
Grandpop pointed back at the clock with his thumb."Five minutes is plenty of time," he assured Mr. Boyd.