Joe and Nicole Crack the Code
Joe and Nicole Crack the Code Joe and Nicole Crack the Code Inside an Old Bottle "Okay, class, listen up," said Ms. Jones. "I have a project for you to work on over the weekend." "Homework?" asked Joe. "On the weekend?" His twin sister, Nicole, watched him sadly. She wished he wouldn't call out in class. It was inappropriate. The two of them were twins, but they were very different. "I want you to find something from your family's history," said Ms. Jones. "It might be a clock your gr
Joe and Nicole Crack the Code

Joe and Nicole Crack the Code

Inside an Old Bottle
"Okay, class, listen up," said Ms. Jones."I have a project for you to work on over the weekend."
"Homework?" asked Joe. "On the weekend?"
His twin sister, Nicole, watched him sadly.She wished he wouldn't call out in class.It was inappropriate.The two of them were twins, but they were very different.
"I want you to find something from your family's history," said Ms. Jones."It might be a clock your grandfather owned or an old letter.Then describe in writing what it means to you.This is due on Monday."
That night, Joe and Nicole climbed up the irregular attic stairs.Boxes sat in messy piles all over.The twins looked at each other.Who knew what could be hidden in there?
"What a spooky room," said Joe."I bet an invisible monster lives here!"
"It's just a gloomy old attic," replied Nicole."Bring that flashlight and help me over here"
"Look!" said Joe. "Here are some old toys."
"Wow!" exclaimed Nicole."There's our old train set."As she reached for it, her foot pushed up a floorboard.
"What's that?" asked Joe.The twins saw something dusty in the hole beneath the floor.
"It's just an old bottle," sighed Nicole."Let's keep looking for an object for our report."
"This is incredible!" Joe exclaimed."Maybe it's filled with something exciting!"
"Maybe somebody just missed the trash can," said Nicole."It's only a bottle."