Chapter 2 Fur Hands
Chapter 2 Fur Hands Chapter 2 Fur Hands I showed my mittens to my teacher. Her name is Mrs. She has another name, too. But I just like Mrs. and that's all. "Feel them, Mrs.," I said. "Feel how soft they are." I rubbed them on her face. "Oh, they are soft, Junie B.," she said. "Be sure and put them in your jacket pockets so they won't get lost, okay?" I skipped very happy to my seat. "Yeah, only I'm not even going to lose them," I said to just myself. "I am going to wear them right on
Chapter 2 Fur Hands

Chapter 2 Fur Hands
I showed my mittens to my teacher. Her name is Mrs.
She has another name, too. But I just like Mrs. and that's all.
"Feel them, Mrs.," I said. "Feel how soft they are." I rubbed them on her face.
"Oh, they are soft, Junie B.," she said."Be sure and put them in your jacket pockets so they won't get lost, okay?"
I skipped very happy to my seat.
"Yeah, only I'm not even going to lose them," I said to just myself."I am going to wear them right on my hands.The whole livelong day. 'Cause I love these guys, that's why."
I took off my attractive winter jacket. And sat down at my table.
Then I tapped on Lucille with my furry mittens.
"Hello. How are you today? I have fur hands. See them, Lucille?See my hands of fur?" I flew them in the air.
"This is what fur hands look like when they're flying in the air," I said. I waved hello.
"This is what fur hands look like when they're waving hello," I said. Lucille did a frown.