Chapter 7 The Pink Fluffy Girl
Chapter 7 The Pink Fluffy Girl Chapter 7 The Pink Fluffy Girl After I talked to my grampa, I went to my room. I closed my door real secret. Then I took my wonderful pen out of my pocket. And I did a big sigh. 'Cause I had confusion in me, that's why. "I wish I never even heard that wallet story," I said. "'Cause Finders keepers, losers weepers isn't the rule, apparently. And so now maybe I might be a crook." I looked at my wonderful pen. "Yeah, only I don't even feel like a crook. I fee
Chapter 7 The Pink Fluffy Girl

Chapter 7 The Pink Fluffy Girl
After I talked to my grampa, I went to my room. I closed my door real secret.
Then I took my wonderful pen out of my pocket. And I did a big sigh.
'Cause I had confusion in me, that's why.
"I wish I never even heard that wallet story," I said."'Cause Finders keepers, losers weepers isn't the rule, apparently.And so now maybe I might be a crook." I looked at my wonderful pen.
"Yeah, only I don't even feel like a crook.I feel like a lucky duck. But I still have to take this thing to the Lost and Found, probably.And then it will go to waste just like the teddy backpack."
All of a sudden, I heard Mother and Daddy come home from work.
I quick hided my pen under my mattress.'Cause those two would not be understanding of this situation.
They came in my room and kissed me hello. I told them what happened to my mittens.
Then I begged and begged for them to take me to the store.But Mother said there's no more left.And Daddy said there's no more left, too. And so there was no more left, apparently.
That's how come I got depressed all over again. And I couldn't even sleep good that night.
I kept on wondering about who was the mitten crook. And what did he look like.'Cause I've seen crooks on TV before.And they are biggish and meanish with tattoos on theirselves. Just then, I sat up in my bed.
'Cause a good idea popped into my head, that's why!
"Hey, a tattoo is easy to spot, I bet!" I said."And so maybe I can find that crook on the playground tomorrow!"
After that, I went right straight to sleep. 'Cause I would need my strength for crook-looking.
The next day at recess, I didn't play horses with Lucille and that Grace.
Instead, I runned all around the playground looking for the mitten crook.
Only too bad for me. 'Cause most of the children had their jackets on.And so I couldn't even see any crooks with tattoos. Pretty soon, the bell rang.
That is when my eyes got tears in them.'Cause I would never see my mittens again. Not ever, ever, never.
I started walking to Room Nine. My nose was sniffling and drippity.
I wiped it on my attractive jacket sleeve.
Then - all of a sudden - a pink fluffy girl skipped past me.
She had on a pink fluffy dress. With pink fluffy socks and shoes.And a pink fluffy jacket made of pink fluffy fur.
And guess what else? She had black furry mittens in her pink fluffy pockets!
My eyes got big and wide!
"Hey! My mittens! My mittens! My mittens!" I screamed real loud.
Then I put my head down. And I zoomed at her like a speeding bull.
Mrs. saw me running. She grabbed me by my attractive winter jacket.
I jumped up and down and pointed.
"That pink fluffy girl stoled my mittens! She is the crook!Only her jacket is covering up her tattoo! And so that's what had me stumped!"
Mrs. called to the pink fluffy girl.
She skipped over to where we were. I kept on jumping.