Chapter 6 My Grampa's Wallet
Chapter 6 My Grampa's Wallet Chapter 6 My Grampa's Wallet I kept my pen in my pocket the whole rest of the day. I didn't want people to see it. Or else they might tattletale to Mrs. And she would make me take it to the Lost and Found. I behaved myself very good. 'Cause I didn't want to 'tract 'tention, that's why. I kept my hand in my pocket so my pen would not fall out. Also, I kept thinking about my mittens. 'Cause I still missed those furry guys. I put my head down on my table. "Ma
Chapter 6 My Grampa's Wallet

Chapter 6 My Grampa's Wallet
I kept my pen in my pocket the whole rest of the day.
I didn't want people to see it. Or else they might tattletale to Mrs.And she would make me take it to the Lost and Found.
I behaved myself very good. 'Cause I didn't want to 'tract 'tention, that's why.
I kept my hand in my pocket so my pen would not fall out.
Also, I kept thinking about my mittens.'Cause I still missed those furry guys. I put my head down on my table.
"Maybe my grampa Miller might buy me some more furry mittens," I whispered."'Cause that would be a perfect solution, I think." I raised up my head.
"Hey, yeah! Then I would have wonderful new mittens, plus a wonderful new pen.And so what more can a girl ask for? That's what I'd like to know!"
I sat up in my chair and tapped on Lucille.
"Guess what, Lucille? Maybe my grampa Frank Miller might buy me some new mittens.And then all my troubles will be over." Lucille said whoop-de-do for me.
"I know it is whoop-de-do," I said real thrilled. "And so, thank you for your support."
After school, me and my bestest friend named Grace rode the bus together.
I runned home from my corner like a speedy bullet.
My grampa Frank Miller was baby-sitting my brother named Ollie.