Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Chapter 3 At last, the fairy with the green coat and the red shoes stepped up to him. "Don't worry about it, Pat," he said. "I'll lend you my red shoes until morning, for you seem to be a good-natured sort of boy." Well, Pat looked at the fairy man's shoes. They were the size of a baby's. He didn't wish to be rude, so he said, "Thank you, sir. If you would be kind enough to put them on my feet for me, perhaps you won't spoil their fine shape." Pat thought that if the fairy man put
Chapter 3

Chapter 3
At last, the fairy with the green coat and the red shoes stepped up to him."Don't worry about it, Pat," he said."I'll lend you my red shoes until morning, for you seem to be a good-natured sort of boy."
Well, Pat looked at the fairy man's shoes. They were the size of a baby's.He didn't wish to be rude, so he said, "Thank you, sir.If you would be kind enough to put them on my feet for me, perhaps you won't spoil their fine shape."