Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Arthur packed his pajamas and his toothbrush. He packed glass jars for specimens. Then he went to the kitchen for food. "My goodness," said the baby-sitter. "The woods behind the house will be full of campers tonight! Here are two peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches, a banana, an orange, and a thermos of milk," she said. "Come home if you get lonely." "I'm not afraid of being alone in the woods," said Arthur. Arthur went out to the yard. He climbed over t


Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Arthur packed his pajamas and his toothbrush.

He packed glass jars for specimens.

Then he went to the kitchen for food.

"My goodness," said the baby-sitter.

"The woods behind the house will be full of campers tonight!

Here are two peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches,a banana, an orange, and a thermos of milk," she said.

"Come home if you get lonely."

"I'm not afraid of being alone in the woods," said Arthur.

Arthur went out to the yard.

He climbed over the stone wall and followed the path into the woods.

After a while he came to a brook. Kerplash!

A frog jumped into the brook. "Oh boy! My first specimen," said Arthur.

The frog hopped onto a stone. Arthur hopped after the frog.

The stone was slippery and Arthur slipped splash!right into the water. The frog hopped away.

"Phooey," said Arthur. He climbed out of the brook.

His clothes were wet, his knapsack was wet, and his blanket roll was wet.

It was getting dark, and he tripped over the roots of a tree.

"I wish I had a flashlight," said Arthur.

Then he saw a little glimmer, and another, and another.

"Lightning bugs!" cried Arthur. "I will use them for light!"

He took out his glass jar and tried to catch one.

It flew into a briar bush.

Arthur dove in after it. Thorns tore his clothes, and prickers pricked his fingers.
