Arthur's Pen Pal
Arthur's Pen Pal Arthur's Pen Pal It was Sunday night. Mother and Father had gone out to dinner. The baby-sitter was watching television. Violet was doing her homework. She drew a picture of a cow eating grass. "Arthur," she said, "will you help me with my homework? Will you help me show how milk is made?" "I can't," said Arthur. "I am writing a letter to my pen pal." "Who is your pen pal?" asked Violet. "His name is Sandy," said Arthur, "and he has a big brother." "There is
Arthur's Pen Pal

Arthur's Pen Pal

It was Sunday night. Mother and Father had gone out to dinner.
The baby-sitter was watching television.
Violet was doing her homework.
She drew a picture of a cow eating grass.
"Arthur," she said, "will you help me with my homework?
Will you help me show how milk is made?"
"I can't," said Arthur. "I am writing a letter to my pen pal."
"Who is your pen pal?" asked Violet.
"His name is Sandy," said Arthur, "and he has a big brother."
"There is a girl in my class named Sandy," said Violet.
"My pen pal is a boy," said Arthur. "He is learning karate and he plays the drums."
"Will you help me after you write to your pen pal?" asked Violet.
"Why do you always need help?" asked Arthur. "Little sisters are a pain."
"Violet!" called the baby-sitter. "It is time to take your bath."
Violet finished her homework.
She put her pencils and eraser in her pencil case.
She laid out a clean dress and a ribbon for her hair.
Then she went to take her bath.
Arthur finished writing his letter. He wrote,
Dear Sandy, I am glad you are my pen pal. I have a little sister.I wish I had a little brother. I wish I had drums.Send me a picture of yourself.
Your friend, Arthur
Arthur looked in his pocket for Sandy's address.
He pulled out two bottle caps, a baseball card, and some marbles.
He pulled out some string and some chewed chewing gum.
He pulled out a rubber snake and half of a melted chocolate bar.
"Arthur!" called the baby-sitter. "Get ready for bed."
"I can't," said Arthur. "I am looking for something."
Arthur picked up his notebook and shook it.
Orange peels, a bird's feather, a sandwich bag, and the letter from his pen pal fell out.
"Arthur," said the baby-sitter, "you clean up this mess right now!
Why can't you be neat like your little sister?"
Arthur picked up the letter from his pen pal.
"My pen pal doesn't have a little sister," said Arthur.
"My pen pal has a big brother.
His big brother does karate with him and has lots of fun."
Violet came back from her bath.
"Will you play a game with us?" she asked the baby-sitter.
"All right," said the baby-sitter."But first, Arthur has to pick up his things."
"I bet my pen pal doesn't even need a baby-sitter," said Arthur."Only little sisters need baby-sitters."
Arthur picked up his things. Then he went to take his bath.
He ran a lot of water into the bathtub.
He dipped his toes in the water and washed the middle of his face and some of his fingers.
Then he put on his pajamas and went into the kitchen.
Violet and the baby-sitter were playing tiddly-winks.
"Tiddly-winks is no fun," said Arthur. "Let's Indian wrestle."
"All right," said Violet. "If you promise not to squeeze too hard."
"Arthur," said the baby-sitter, "let me see your hands."
"What for?" asked Arthur. "If I see your palms, I can tell your fortune."
"Hmm," said the baby-sitter.
"I see that you will get a letter from a short, dark woman.I also see that your hands are very dirty. Now, go get washed."
"I bet if my pen pal needs a baby-sitter, he gets a nice one," said Arthur.
"I think she is a very nice baby-sitter," said Violet.
"Little sisters always like their baby-sitters," said Arthur, and he went to get washed.
When Arthur got back, Violet was standing on her hands.
"Why are you doing that?" asked Arthur."I thought we were going to Indian wrestle."
"We will," said Violet. "But first I have to make my arms stronger."
"What for?" asked Arthur. "So I can beat you," said Violet.
Then Violet rolled up a newspaper.
"Now what are you doing?" asked Arthur.
"I have to make my hands stronger," said Violet,"so I can squeeze you harder than you squeeze me."
"Squeezing is no fair," said Arthur.
"I know," said Violet. "But you always do it."
She squeezed the newspaper as hard as she could.
"OK," said Violet. "Now I am ready."
Arthur and Violet began to Indian wrestle.
Violet pushed Arthur's arm as hard as she could, but Arthur pushed harder.
Violet squeezed Arthur's hand as hard as she could, but Arthur squeezed harder.
"Ouch!" cried Violet. "Arthur!" called the baby-sitter. "Stop that right now!"
"My thumb hurts," said Violet. "Arthur twisted it."
"Why can't you be a nice big brother?" said the baby-sitter.
"Why do you have to hurt your little sister?"
"Little sisters are no fun," said Arthur.
"They are always getting hurt.
It must be nice to have a little brother like Sandy."