CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 3 Dink looked past his uncle into the study. The painting was gone. "I've got to call the police," Uncle Warren said. He hurried toward the kitchen, leaving the kids standing in the hallway. "Who could have taken it?" Ruth Rose asked. "And how?" wondered Josh. "The door was locked." "Kids, come quickly!" Dink's uncle yelled from the other end of the apartment. They ran back down the hallway and into the kitchen. "Look at that!" Uncle Warren said, pointing at the ki

Dink looked past his uncle into the study. The painting was gone.
"I've got to call the police," Uncle Warren said.He hurried toward the kitchen, leaving the kids standing in the hallway.
"Who could have taken it?" Ruth Rose asked.
"And how?" wondered Josh. "The door was locked."
"Kids, come quickly!" Dink's uncle yelled from the other end of the apartment.
They ran back down the hallway and into the kitchen.
"Look at that!" Uncle Warren said, pointing at the kitchen table.
The tabletop was littered with orange juice and peels.The fruit bowl was overturned. More peels and dribbles of juice covered the floor.
"Yuck, it's all sticky!" Josh said, backing away from a small puddle.
"This is terrible!" Uncle Warren said as he called the police.
"Guys, look!" Ruth Rose was pointing to an orange peel near the balcony.
The kids walked over, and Ruth Rose opened the balcony door."There's juice on the door handle, too," she said, wiping her hand on her jeans.
They found more orange peels on the balcony. "Guy must've been hungry," Josh observed.
Dink looked down over the balcony railing."Could this be how the thief got into the apartment?" he asked.
"How?" Josh asked. "On a hang glider? Dink, we're ten stories up, remember?"
Uncle Warren joined them. "A detective will be here soon," he said.Then he noticed the orange peels all over the balcony. "Goodness!"
The kids started to pick up the orange peels.
"Leave them," Uncle Warren said. "The police said not to touch anything."
They walked into the living room and sat down to wait.
"Forest will be devastated," Uncle Warren said."Thank goodness he had the painting insured! At least he'll get his money back."
Suddenly Roger's voice came over the small speaker next to the door."Mr. Duncan, there's a detective here to see you. Shall I send him up?"