CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 3 Tinker Bunks looked serious. "If he shows up, I'll give you a shout." "I'd appreciate that," Forest said. "He's running at Saratoga tomorrow." "Is he now!" Mr. Bunks said. "I wish you luck." They all left the barn. The sky had grown darker. As Forest drove through the woods, Dink heard thunder. Wind began to whip tree branches back and forth. Forest drove faster. "I'd better get us home before Josh and Ruth Rose have a shower!" he said. Forest parked behind his barn

Tinker Bunks looked serious. "If he shows up, I'll give you a shout."
"I'd appreciate that," Forest said. "He's running at Saratoga tomorrow."
"Is he now!" Mr. Bunks said. "I wish you luck."
They all left the barn. The sky had grown darker. As Forest drove through the woods, Dink heard thunder.Wind began to whip tree branches back and forth.
Forest drove faster. "I'd better get us home before Josh and Ruth Rose have a shower!" he said.
Forest parked behind his barn just as raindrops began to splatter the windshield."Let's run for it!" he said, leaping from the cab.
Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose ran, squealing, as the clouds opened up. In seconds they were soaking wet.
Inside the house, Forest handed them towels. They dried their hair and faces.
"Why don't you settle in while I call the police," he said."Ruth Rose, you're in the blue bedroom. Guys, you're bunking right across the hall."
The kids grabbed their backpacks and headed toward the back of Forest's house.Ruth Rose stopped outside a bedroom with blue wallpaper.
"See you guys in a minute," she said, and disappeared inside.
Dink and Josh walked into their room and changed into dry shirts.
A minute later, Ruth Rose knocked and came in. Her wet hair was even curlier than usual.
"What could have happened to Whirlaway?" she asked Dink and Josh.
Dink looked out the bedroom window.Through the rain, he could see the barn. But he couldn't see the barn's rear doors.
"You know, someone could have stolen him," Dink said. "Stolen him!" Josh said. "In broad daylight?"
Dink pointed. "You can't see the back doors of the barn from the house," he said."Anyone could go in and out that way."
Ruth Rose peered through the streaming window."How would you steal a horse?" she asked. "Would you need a trailer?"
"Or the thief could just ride him away," Josh said.
"Let's go look behind the barn for clues when the rain stops," Ruth Rose said.
"Maybe the police had some good news for Forest," Dink said. They headed for the kitchen.
Forest was also staring out the window into the rain.His shoulders were hunched, and he was nervously tapping his fingers on the counter.
Uncle Warren was sitting at the table, drinking a mug of tea. "Did you call the police?" Dink asked.
Forest turned away from the window and nodded."Yes. They told me no one's called in about a stray horse," he said. "I'm getting worried."
"Do you think someone might have stolen him?" Dink asked.
Forest looked at him and blinked a few times. "Stolen Whirlaway? I suppose it's possible."
"Forest, have you any neighbors who own horses?" Uncle Warren asked. "A few, why?"
"Because Whirlaway may not be the only missing horse," Uncle Warren said."Perhaps you should call around." "Good idea. I will," Forest said.
"We'll help you look for him when the rain stops," Ruth Rose said.
Forest nodded. "That'll be great. Now I'd better get on the phone," he said as he left the kitchen.
The kids drank milk and ate cookies with Uncle Warren.They watched the rain streak down the windows.
Forest came back a few minutes later. "I called two friends who own horses," he said."None are missing, but my friends said they'd keep an eye out for Whirlaway."
The rain continued. They played Scrabble.When it wasn't his turn, Forest kept jumping up to call more neighbors.
Finally the rain stopped and the clouds cleared.When Dink looked out the window, sunlight sparkled off trees and bushes.
"I'll go pick up some food for dinner," Uncle Warren said.He took a set of car keys from a hook and left the house. "Okay, kids, let's go look for my horse," Forest said.
He and the kids put on sneakers and headed through the kitchen door to the yard.The wet grass squished under their feet.
They walked behind the barn. Forest headed toward the woods, whistling and yelling, "Whirlaway!"
Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose checked the wet ground for tire tracks or footprints.
"Nothing," Josh muttered. "Even if there were clues, the rain washed them away."
Suddenly the kids heard a soft whinny from inside the barn.
Dink yelled for Forest, who came running. "Whirlaway?" Forest said. They all ran into the barn.
Standing outside Whirlaway's stall was a wet, muddy horse.
"Where have you been, boy?" Forest asked his horse.
Whirlaway shook his head. Water and mud flew off his mane.He stomped his front foot and gazed at the humans.
Forest walked over and grasped Whirlaway's halter. It, too, was muddy.