CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 2 Forest looked up in surprise. Then suddenly, his face relaxed. "Don't worry, I'll bet Whirlaway went to visit his mother again," Forest said. "I'll call Mr. Bunks." "Who's Mr. Bunks?" Ruth Rose asked. "Tinker Bunks owns the ranch next to my property," Forest said. "He tried to raise horses for racing. He never had much luck, so he sold off his stock. That's how Warren and I got Whirlaway. Mr. Bunks kept Whirlaway's mother, a nice old mare named Biscuit." "How does Whir

Forest looked up in surprise. Then suddenly, his face relaxed.
"Don't worry, I'll bet Whirlaway went to visit his mother again,"Forest said. "I'll call Mr. Bunks." "Who's Mr. Bunks?" Ruth Rose asked.
"Tinker Bunks owns the ranch next to my property," Forest said."He tried to raise horses for racing. He never had much luck, so he sold off his stock.That's how Warren and I got Whirlaway.Mr. Bunks kept Whirlaway's mother, a nice old mare named Biscuit."
"How does Whirlaway visit his mother?" Dink asked.
Sunny frowned. "The rascal gets out of his stall and cuts through the woods," she said.
"I wonder when he got out this time," Forest said."He was here this morning when Warren got here. We went in and visited him."
"So he could have been gone all day!" Sunny said.
Forest nodded slowly "Yes, it's possible, Sunny. But let's not worry.Last time he ran away, I found him safe and sound, munching hay with his mother."
Forest reached for the phone and dialed. He listened, then hung up.
"Mr. Bunks's line is busy," he said. He looked at the kids."If you're finished, why don't we jump in my truck and take a ride over there?"
"I'll throw down some fresh straw in Whirlaway's stall," Sunny said. She headed out the door toward the barn.
Forest put the fruit back in the fridge and the kids followed him out the kitchen door.
He led them to the gravel parking area behind the barn.Forest's pickup truck was filled with bales of hay.
"Who wants to ride in the back with the hay?" Forest asked. "I do!" Josh said.
"I will, too," Ruth Rose said. "Otherwise, Josh will be scared."
"Just make sure you hang on," Forest said."We're taking the old logging road through the woods and it's pretty bumpy."
Ruth Rose and Josh scrambled into the truck's bed and sat on hay bales. Dink climbed into the cab next to Forest.
Forest started the truck and drove into the trees.Dink bounced in his seat as the tires rolled over bumps in the road.Low branches brushed the top of the cab.