CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 3 The kids thanked Mr. Paskey and left his shop. "I wonder who left that twenty-dollar bill on Mr. Paskey's counter," Ruth Rose said. "I bet it was that guy! I know he went in there!" Josh griped. "People don't just vanish." "But maybe vampires vanish," Ruth Rose said, grinning at Josh. Dink laughed. He pretended to read a newspaper headline: "Vacationing Vampire Vanishes." "Laugh, you guys," Josh said. "But I think that guy is definitely weird. And did you notice how

The kids thanked Mr. Paskey and left his shop.
"I wonder who left that twenty-dollar bill on Mr. Paskey's counter," Ruth Rose said.
"I bet it was that guy! I know he went in there!" Josh griped. "People don't just vanish."
"But maybe vampires vanish," Ruth Rose said, grinning at Josh.
Dink laughed. He pretended to read a newspaper headline: "Vacationing Vampire Vanishes."
"Laugh, you guys," Josh said. "But I think that guy is definitely weird.And did you notice how Mr. Paskey didn't even think it was strangethat some guy disappeared inside his shop?"
Dink thought for a minute. "Mr. Paskey's not the only one who's not acting like himself.When we saw that guy through the window in Ellie's Diner,Ellie looked afraid of something," he said.
"She was probably afraid Josh would choke because he was gobbling his ice cream so fast," Ruth Rose said."Now can we go home? We can have lunch at my house."
A few minutes later, they reached Ruth Rose's house.They walked to the backyard with the wagon.
Ruth Rose's brother, Nate, was sitting at the picnic table.In front of him were a box of plastic action figures, some crayons, and drawing paper.
"Hey, Nate, what're you doing?" Dink asked.
"Drawing my guys," Nate said, holding up a picture.It showed Spider-Man and Superman fighting a purple monster.
"Where's Mommy?" Ruth Rose asked her brother.
"Here I am!" her mother said, popping up from the open cellar hatchway."Thanks for taking those newspapers away," she said."There are plenty more down here when you feel like working.I left sandwiches and lemonade in the fridge for you."
"Thanks, Mom," Ruth Rose said. "We'll take more papers later."