Chapter 3 Seeing the Doctor
Chapter 3 Seeing the Doctor Chapter 3 Seeing the Doctor Omar showed Mom the turtle he had made at Grandma's house and said, "Its name is Tortuga!" (Tortuga means "turtle" in Spanish.) "We had so much fun but Grandma's hands were hurting again," Dora told Mom. Mom was worried, so she called the doctor herself and made an appointment for Grandma. Dr. Bae looked at Grandma's hands carefully. Mom could tell that Grandma's hands were quite painful because Grandma cried out when the doctor pressed
Chapter 3 Seeing the Doctor

Chapter 3 Seeing the Doctor

Omar showed Mom the turtle he had made at Grandma's house and said, "Its name is Tortuga!" (Tortuga means "turtle" in Spanish.)
"We had so much fun but Grandma's hands were hurting again," Dora told Mom.
Mom was worried, so she called the doctor herself and made an appointment for Grandma.