Chapter 4 Cockle-Doodly-Doo
Chapter 4 Cockle-Doodly-Doo Chapter 4 Cockle-Doodly-Doo On Saturday, Mother came into my room. She said we were going shopping for clothes for the farm trip. I looked up from my coloring book. "No thank you," I said. "On account of I am getting a fever that day. So I won't actually be going to the farm." Mother laughed. "Don't be silly," she said. Then she picked me up. And she carried me out to the car. "Yeah, only here's the problem. You are not respecting my wishes," I said. Mother
Chapter 4 Cockle-Doodly-Doo

Chapter 4 Cockle-Doodly-Doo
On Saturday, Mother came into my room.She said we were going shopping for clothes for the farm trip.
I looked up from my coloring book.
"No thank you," I said. "On account of I am getting a fever that day.So I won't actually be going to the farm." Mother laughed. "Don't be silly," she said.
Then she picked me up. And she carried me out to the car.
"Yeah, only here's the problem. You are not respecting my wishes," I said.
Mother laughed some more. "I promise. This will be fun."
I did a huffy breath. "Whatever," I said.
Whatever is the grown-up word for that is the dumbest thing I ever heard. And guess what?
I was right. Shopping was not fun at all.'Cause Mother kept on making me try on clothes that I didn't want.
First she made me try on a shirt with checker squares.Then she made me try on overalls with big, giant pockets.Plus she tied a bandanna around my neck.And she put a straw hat on my head. I looked in the mirror at myself.