Chapter 4 THE THORN BUSH Chapter 4 THE THORN BUSH An old lady went to the door of her house. She was crying. A policeman came running. "Dear lady," said the policeman, "why are you crying?" "Come in," said the old lady. "I will show you." "Look, there is a thorn bush growing in my living-room chair," said the old lady. "How did it get there?" asked the policeman. "I do not know," said the old lady. "One day I sat down and something hurt me. Then I got up. There was the thorn bush.


An old lady went to the door of her house. She was crying.
A policeman came running.
"Dear lady," said the policeman, "why are you crying?"
"Come in," said the old lady. "I will show you."
"Look, there is a thorn bush growing in my living-room chair," said the old lady.
"How did it get there?" asked the policeman.
"I do not know," said the old lady.
"One day I sat down and something hurt me. Then I got up. There was the thorn bush."
"You poor lady," said the policeman.
"I will pull the thorn bush out of your chair. Then you can sit down again."
"No!" cried the old lady. "Don't do that! I do not want to sit down.
I have been sitting down all my life. I love my thorn bush.
I am crying because it is sick.
"See?" said the old lady. "All of the branches are falling over."
"The thorn bush may be thirsty," said the policeman.
"Perhaps it needs water" I never thought of that," said the old lady.
She poured some water on the chair.
The thorn bush shivered and shook.
Green leaves came out on the branches.
Little buds came out near the leaves.
The buds opened up. They became large roses.
"Thank you, kind policeman!" cried the old lady.
"You have saved my thorn bush! You have made my house beautiful!"
She kissed the policeman and gave him a big bunch of roses to take home.