Top Hat, The Detective
Top Hat, The Detective Top Hat, The Detective Top Hat Tompkins was the youngest detective in the entire world. Although he was very young, he was also very famous. Important adult detectives from faraway countries like Germany and Peru often came to visit him and ask for help. They came from far and near because Top Hat was such a great detective. He could find any missing person or item, no matter how lost it was. He could solve any mystery, no matter how mysterious it was. Wherever he went
Top Hat, The Detective

Top Hat, The Detective

Top Hat Tompkins was the youngest detective in the entire world.
Although he was very young, he was also very famous.Important adult detectives from faraway countries like Germany and Peru often came to visit him and ask for help.They came from far and near because Top Hat was such a great detective.He could find any missing person or item, no matter how lost it was.He could solve any mystery, no matter how mysterious it was.
Wherever he went, Top Hat always wore an enormous top hat.He believed that a detective should dress well and felt that a top hat was the nicest of all hats.
One bright, sunny, spring morning, Top Hat was working in his officewhen his good friend Sid Sefferlump ran into the room.
"Salamanders!" Sid exclaimed. "What was that?" Top Hat asked.
"Salamanders!" squealed Sid again, this time a bit louder. "Oh! Ooh! Salamanders!!!"
"Sid, you're my very best friend," said Top Hat patiently."But I have no idea what you're talking about.Try saying something other than 'salamanders.'"
"I ... that is ... my ... my salamanders are missing!" declared Sid.
"Missing?" asked Top Hat, surprised.
"That's right!" said Sid. He was having an easier time talking now."They're missing! All seven of them!"
"That's terrible!" said Top Hat. He knew just how important Sid's salamanders were to him.Ever since Sid had first learned about amphibians from reference books and a zoo exhibit two months ago,he had fallen in love with the little creatures.
"So, what happened?" Top Hat asked his friend.
"Well," Sid began tearfully, "I was at Hennessy Park, playing 'King Arthur' with my salamanders on a picnic table.I'd just put the salamanders into my model fort, when I saw a bright yellow butterfly fly by.
"It was so pretty that I decided to follow it," he continued."When I got back to the picnic table, the fort was gone! And so were my salamanders!"
"All that was left was a big puddle," Sid sniffed.
"A puddle?" asked Top Hat. "How mysterious!"
"You're the greatest detective in the entire world, Top Hat," said Sid."Can you help me get my salamanders back?"
"Sid, I'd be happy to help," said Top Hat."Was anyone else at the park when they disappeared?"
"Yes," replied Sid. "Penny Prundle, Ralph Moobly, and my older brother, Hugh, were all there.Do you think one of them took my salamanders?"
"Could be," said Top Hat. "Let's go investigate."
A few minutes later, Top Hat and Sid arrived at Penny Prundle's house.They found her reading a book.
Penny was the prettiest girl in the neighborhood and one of the smartest.Top Hat didn't think she would be cruel enough to take Sid's salamanders.But as a detective, he also knew that you could never be certain about these things when you were dealing with crime.
"Hello, Top Hat," said Penny. "Hello, Sid. What are you doing here?"
"We've come to ask you a few questions, Miss Prundle," replied Top Hat."Exactly what were you doing earlier this morning? Around ten o'clock?"
"Why, I was at the park," said Penny. "I was practicing a song."
Penny began to sing. "Twinkle, twinkle, little car. How I want to drive you far!"
"Aha!" shouted Top Hat. "Very interesting! Thank you for your time."