CHAPTER 8 CHAPTER 8 "I think he's trying to tell us that this key unlocks wherever Mr. Bones is hidden," Ruth Rose continued. "But where?" Josh asked. "The key could go to a lock in California." "The skeleton is probably still in the school," Dink said. "How could anyone carry it out of the building in broad daylight?" "But how could any one hide it inside the school in broad daylight, either?" Ruth Rose asked. "Somebody would have been bound to notice." "Unless Miss Shotsky did it," J

"I think he's trying to tell us that this key unlockswherever Mr. Bones is hidden," Ruth Rose continued.
"But where?" Josh asked. "The key could go to a lock in California."
"The skeleton is probably still in the school," Dink said."How could anyone carry it out of the building in broad daylight?"
"But how could any one hide it inside the school in broad daylight, either?"Ruth Rose asked. "Somebody would have been bound to notice."
"Unless Miss Shotsky did it," Josh said. "She carries Mr. Bones to classes all the time."
Dink shook his head. "Trust me, she was surprised when she saw the skeleton was missing."
"And that wasn't her footprint," Ruth Rose said.
The kids stared at the drawing and the key.
"Why give us the key?" asked Josh.He had a chocolate mustache. "Does this guy want to get caught?"
"It's almost like he wants us to find Mr. Bones," Ruth Rose said.
"Well, at least no other kid has found the skeleton yet," Dink said."We can still win aquarium tickets for our class."
Ruth Rose picked up the key and held it close to her eyes."That's strange. This key looks brand-new," she said. "How can you tell?" Dink asked.