Duck's Discovery
Duck's Discovery Duck's Discovery Chapter 1 Curious Duck Duck lived on a farm with Farmer Finn. The farm was very, very big. Duck liked to learn about the world. She liked to see new things. She liked to learn new things. Duck was curious. She wanted to know why the sky was blue. And she wanted to know why stars twinkled at night. She thought life was a journey of discovery. She liked to fly around and learn about the world. Farmer Finn was different from Duck. Farmer Finn was no
Duck's Discovery

Duck's Discovery

Chapter 1 Curious Duck

Duck lived on a farm with Farmer Finn. The farm was very, very big.
Duck liked to learn about the world.
She liked to see new things. She liked to learn new things.
Duck was curious. She wanted to know why the sky was blue.And she wanted to know why stars twinkled at night.
She thought life was a journey of discovery.
She liked to fly around and learn about the world.
Farmer Finn was different from Duck. Farmer Finn was not curious.
Farmer Finn was a kind person. He took good care of the animals.He talked to them. Sometimes he sang to them.
Farmer Finn made a big effort to grow good crops. Usually his plants died.
He grew lots of lettuces last year. They all went limp and died.
Chapter 2 Learning to Grow

One spring morning, Farmer Finn decided to concentrate on a new crop.
He looked at a cookbook. The cookbook inspired him to grow a new crop.
He said to Duck, "I love eating rice. I will grow rice."
Duck was worried. She told Farmer Finn about one of her journeys.