Elephant and Tiger
Elephant and Tiger Elephant and Tiger Tiger and Elephant were best friends. They loved the good things about each other. They did not let the bad things bother them. Elephant was very strong. He liked to knock things down. Tiger thought Elephant should not knock things down. But he did not let it bother him, because Elephant was his best friend. Tiger was very proud. He liked to brag about himself. Elephant thought Tiger should not brag about himself. But he did not let i
Elephant and Tiger

Elephant and Tiger

Tiger and Elephant were best friends.
They loved the good things about each other.
They did not let the bad things bother them.
Elephant was very strong.
He liked to knock things down.
Tiger thought Elephant should not knock things down.
But he did not let it bother him, because Elephant was his best friend.
Tiger was very proud.
He liked to brag about himself.
Elephant thought Tiger should not brag about himself.
But he did not let it bother him, because Tiger was his best friend.
“Look at me!” bragged Tiger.
“I am the fastest animal here.”
Tiger ran across the grass and back.
He ran very fast.
“How about that?” said Tiger.
Elephant did not say a word.
Tiger bragged, “I am the fastest animal here.”
“You are fast,” said Elephant.
“Look at this!” bragged Tiger.
“I am the best jumper here.”
Tiger jumped across the stream and back.
He jumped very far.
“How about that?” said Tiger.
Elephant did not say a word.
Tiger bragged, “I can jump farther than any animal.
I am the best jumper here.”
“You are a good jumper,” said Elephant.