Eleventeen Eleventeen Sarah turned eleventeen yesterday, which made it a very special day. A person can turn eleventeen only once, and most people never turn eleventeen at all. In fact, I'll let you in on a little secret. Sarah is the only person who has ever turned eleventeen. Ever! Not a single other living soul has done it. Not a single other dead soul has done it either. You're probably wondering how Sarah accomplished this rare and extraordinary feat. This, of course, is that story.


Sarah turned eleventeen yesterday, which made it a very special day.A person can turn eleventeen only once, and most people never turn eleventeen at all.
In fact, I'll let you in on a little secret.Sarah is the only person who has ever turned eleventeen. Ever!Not a single other living soul has done it.Not a single other dead soul has done it either.
You're probably wondering how Sarah accomplished this rare and extraordinary feat.This, of course, is that story.
"I'm bored," said Sarah, as she walked into the kitchen for breakfast one Saturday morning.
"Would you like to invite a friend over?" asked her mother.
"No," said Sarah, "that's not the problem. I'm bored being ten."
"Well, your birthday is only a few weeks away," said her mother, "so you won't have to be ten much longer."
"I'm bored being eleven," Sarah said.
"You've never even been eleven!" interjected her big sister, Kate, entering the room."I guess you want to be a teenager, just like me."
"I want to be like you about as much as I want to be a snail," Sarah retorted,proud that she could think of a comeback so quickly.
"Well, that's funny because you are as slow as one," said Kate.
Uh-oh. Sarah needed another comeback, quick, and she didn't have one on the tip of her tongue.Her eight-year-old brother, Noah - as usual, at the breakfast table before anyone else - saved her.
"I wish you were both eighteen," Noah said.
"Why?" asked Mom.
''Because then they'd both go away to college, and I'd have Mommy all to myself."
"What about Daddy?" asked Sarah.
"What about me?" Dad said as he walked into the kitchen,opening the newspaper and not looking where he was going.
Noah smirked and "humphed," as if to say that everyone knows dad are not nearly the problem that big sisters are.
"Sarah's bored being ten," Mom said to Dad.He looked up and noticed everyone looking at him.
"Well, her birthday is only a few weeks away," he said brightly,as if he were sure he had this one figured out."She won't have to be ten much longer," he concluded.
"We've been through that," Sarah and Kate said in unison.
"Oh," Dad said, "so what's wrong with being eleven?"
"It's too far away from eighteen," said Noah.
"So what's the big rush to be eighteen?" asked Dad, clearly confused.
''Oh, never mind," Sarah said, getting up from the table.
"Aren't you going to eat your breakfast?" Mom asked.
"I'm not hungry," Sarah said.
"Right," piped in Kate, her voice dripping with adolescent sarcasm,"she's too busy being bored to be hungry."
"Kate, you're being mean!" said Sarah, storming out of the kitchen.As she left, she heard her father say, for the millionth time, "Kate, be nice to Sarah."