The UpDown Boy
The UpDown Boy The UpDown Boy There once was a boy who noticed that people had become very, very sad. And, of course, this made the boy very, very sad. He tried to make the people laugh. But no matter what wonderfully silly face he made, no one would smile. It was a sad world he lived in. It was then that the boy made a magical discovery. His discovery was made in the simplest of ways. He had bent over to pick up a ball. As he was bent over, he saw the world through his legs - upside
The UpDown Boy

The UpDown Boy

There once was a boy who noticed that people had become very, very sad.
And, of course, this made the boy very, very sad.
He tried to make the people laugh.But no matter what wonderfully silly face he made, no one would smile.
It was a sad world he lived in.
It was then that the boy made a magical discovery.
His discovery was made in the simplest of ways.He had bent over to pick up a ball.As he was bent over, he saw the world through his legs - upside down.
It looked like people were walking on the ceiling.What had been up was now down.The long, sad frowns of the people, now upside down, looked like great big smiles.
The boy had found an UpDown world.
So he placed his hands on the floor and lifted his legs high in the air.His hands and arms did what his feet and legs had done so well before.Excited, the boy began to explore his new UpDown world.
Now what used to be up was down, and what used to be down was up.The floor was the ceiling, and the ceiling was the floor.And frowns were smiles.
He was the UpDown Boy.
There are good things and bad things about being an UpDown Boy.There is good and bad about up being down and down being up.
There was used, gooey gum that used to be down but now was up.
Up gooey gum stuck to the boy's down hand.
This was a bad thing!
Puddles that used to be down now were up.Puddles were always a lot of fun.But little boys got in trouble when shoes walked in puddles.Shoes were hard to clean.