
Be Safe

Be Safe Be Safe stop sign traffic light crosswalk crossing guard bike lane exit railroad


Shapes Shapes circle square rectangle triangle oval diamond shapes


Numbers Numbers one two three four five six seven

Food from a Farm

Food from a Farm Food from a Farm corn beans tomatoes peaches carrots lettuce apples

Tools to Grow Things

Tools to Grow Things Tools to Grow Things rake shovel gloves trowel wheelbarrow hose pitchfork

The Weather

The Weather The Weather sun clouds rain wind snow ice thunderstorm

Dress for the Weather

Dress for the Weather Dress for the Weather boots sunglasses snowsuit mittens jacket coat hat

The Seasons

The Seasons The Seasons fall fall leaves winter winter storm spring spring flowers summer

At the Playground

At the Playground At the Playground slide swings climber play structure water fountain picnic table sandbox


Toys Toys balls games trucks dolls blocks crayons stuffed animals

At the Market

At the Market At the Market milk eggs fruit vegetables bread rice meat

How Many?

How Many? How Many? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Where Is It?

Where Is It? Where Is It? in out top bottom under over in between

Mouse and Moose

Mouse and Moose Mouse and Moose mouse mug moose mail monkey mittens mom

Tony's Taxi

Tony's Taxi Tony's Taxi turtle taxi turkey telephone tiger television 10

Look Around!

Look Around! Look Around! square triangle circle rectangle heart oval diamond