Fixing the Playground
Fixing the Playground Fixing the Playground Chapter 1 Josh Has a Problem Josh saw the swings and wanted to play. But Dad said, "Josh, the swings are broken. It is not safe." "I want to play," cried Josh. "I want to play!" "Calm down, Josh," said Mom quietly. "Dad is right. This playground is just not safe." Josh kept on yelling and fussing. The family went home sadly. Their walk was over. Josh's brother Max said, "Josh ruined our walk with his crying!" His sister Jordan said, "He
Fixing the Playground

Fixing the Playground

Chapter 1 Josh Has a Problem

Josh saw the swings and wanted to play.But Dad said, "Josh, the swings are broken. It is not safe."
"I want to play," cried Josh. "I want to play!"
"Calm down, Josh," said Mom quietly."Dad is right. This playground is just not safe."
Josh kept on yelling and fussing.The family went home sadly. Their walk was over.
Josh's brother Max said, "Josh ruined our walk with his crying!"
His sister Jordan said, "He is little. Give him a break."
"I guess I don't blame him," said Max."That playground is a mess. We need a better place to play."
"People should take responsibility for playgrounds.They should keep them clean.The city should fix the broken swings," said Jordan.
Chapter 2 Planning

"Dad, can't we get someone to clean that place up?" asked Max.
"Who did you have in mind?" Dad answered.
"How about calling the mayor?" asked Max.
"The mayor? I think he is busy with other issues," Jordan said.
"We could try doing something ourselves," Mom suggested.
"It will take forever!" said Max.
"Not if we get others to help," replied Jordan.
"I'll call the mayor's office tomorrow," said Dad."He will determine if we are allowed to do this."