My Secret Internet Friend
My Secret Internet Friend My Secret Internet Friend Hi. My name is Sara Simone. I'm twelve years old, and I'm in the sixth grade. I think I'm one of the luckiest girls in the world because I have a computer in my room. But I'm not the only lucky one - most of my friends have computers, too. My mom says that I spend way too much time "cooped up" in my room. She also insists that I spend too much time on my computer using the Internet. They kind of go together since I wouldn't spend so much time
My Secret Internet Friend

My Secret Internet Friend

Hi. My name is Sara Simone. I'm twelve years old, and I'm in the sixth grade.I think I'm one of the luckiest girls in the world because I have a computer in my room.But I'm not the only lucky one - most of my friends have computers, too.

My mom says that I spend way too much time "cooped up" in my room.She also insists that I spend too much time on my computer using the Internet.They kind of go together since I wouldn't spend so much time in my room if it weren't for my computer.I suppose that's why some people call me CyberSara.

My mom says I should spend more time playing outside– getting exercise or reading books on the porch, where I can at least breathe some fresh air.She's probably right, but I just love the computer so much.Mom sometimes warns me that I'm becoming addicted to the computer.

I think being on my computer is more fun than just about anything else I can think of.I can play interactive games.I can go on the Internet to find information on almost any subject I want to learn about, and I can even read books online.But what I like most of all is that I can send instant messages (IMs) to my friends,and they can IM, text, or email me back. I even have my own FaceKid page.
It might seem kind of silly, but I even gave my computer a name. I call it Clicker.You're probably wondering why I would give it a name like that. Well, think about it.You can click a mouse to do just about anything you want to do on the computer.Since I'm always clicking the mouse, I named my computer Clicker.
Chatting online with my friends is my favorite thing to do.The first thing I do when I get home from school is race to my room and get on my computer.I send an IM to my closest friend, Rachel.She always replies to my messages right away.Sometimes we chat for more than an hour.It's like having a face-to-face conversation with no one else listening.It's our private conversation - just Rachel and me.We IM about what we did at school that day, our homework assignments, our family, our friends, and our pets.Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I have a puppy named Charlie and a cat named Boots.Oh, and one other thing - we chat about Freddy Fridley, too. He's a kid in our class.
Freddy is an okay kid, but he does some pretty bizarre things.Like he lets his ice cream melt so he can drink it through a straw.He puts mustard and ketchup on dill pickles before he eats them.Yuck! I think that eating dill pickles by themselves is kind of weird,but putting mustard and ketchup on them is even weirder.