On the Ball
On the Ball On the Ball Chapter 1 Baseball Tryouts It was Friday afternoon. James and Bella were walking home from school together. James didn't look happy. "Hey, what's up?" Bella asked, nudging her younger brother with her shoulder. "Baseball tryouts are next week," said James. "I'd like to play, but I'm not sure if I'm good enough." "You have to try," said Bella. "If you get nervous, think of someone who inspires you -Jackie Robinson maybe." "Jackie who?" asked James. "Jackie Robin
On the Ball

On the Ball

Chapter 1 Baseball Tryouts

It was Friday afternoon. James and Bella were walking home from school together. James didn't look happy.
"Hey, what's up?" Bella asked, nudging her younger brother with her shoulder.
"Baseball tryouts are next week," said James."I'd like to play, but I'm not sure if I'm good enough."
"You have to try," said Bella."If you get nervous, think of someone who inspires you -Jackie Robinson maybe." "Jackie who?" asked James.
"Jackie Robinson. He was an amazing baseball player.But when he was young, African Americans had to play on separate baseball teams.Jackie changed all that in 1947.He was the first African American to play on a major league baseball team!" said Bella.
Next week after school, Bella stayed behind to watch James try out.His side was fielding first. James did well, until he got nervous and dropped an easy catch.Some of the other kids laughed at him."How could you possibly drop that?" a boy named Darnel Fenton called out.
"Don't let Darnel Fenton get you down," Bella said later."Your attack of nerves is just a temporary setback.Let's go to the ballpark together after school to practice.Even Jackie Robinson had to start somewhere."