THE HUGE AND HORRIBLE BEAST THE HUGE AND HORRIBLE BEAST Chapter1 The Huge and Horrible Beast Once there was a lad from a little farm on the Brazilian plains. His name was Ze. Ze was bored with the quiet life on the farm. So, one day, he told his mother and father that he was going off into the big wide world to seek his fortune. His father looked a little worried. You see, Ze was brave and warm-hearted, but he was not very clever. If you had asked him what 3 times 8 was, he would probabl


Chapter1 The Huge and Horrible Beast

Once there was a lad from a little farm on the Brazilian plains. His name was Ze.
Ze was bored with the quiet life on the farm.So, one day, he told his mother and father that he was going off into the big wide world to seek his fortune.
His father looked a little worried.
You see, Ze was brave and warm-hearted, but he was not very clever.If you had asked him what 3 times 8 was, he would probably have said, "Twelve."
And if you had asked him how to spell "extraordinary",he would have tried his best, but got it completely wrong.
So his father felt he ought to give him some wise advice. He scratched his head.
Then he said, "Ze, my son, remember this.If you find anything on your way, pick it up and keep it. It might come in handy later."
"That's wise advice," nodded Ze, "I shall remember it."
Then he kissed his mother, hugged his father and off he went.
He took the track across the plains until he reached fields and forests that he had never seen before.
And, as he walked through one of the forests,he came across a great, long, twisty length of creeper lying on the path in front of him.
"Dad told me that if I find anything on my way I'm to pick it up and keep it," he said to himself.
So he picked up the twisty creeper, coiled it several times around his waist and walked on.
He crossed rivers and valleys that he had never even heard of.
At the end of one of the valleys, Ze came across a metal gate.It was so old that it had fallen off its hinges and was lying on the ground.
"Dad told me that if I found anything on my way I should pick it up," he said to himself.
So he picked up the metal gate, slung it over his shoulder and walked on.
He reached lakes and hills that he had never even imagined.And, as he started up one of the hills a small, pink pig came waddling across the path in front of him.
"Dad told me that if I found anything on my way then I should pick it up," he said to himself.
So he picked up the pig, tucked it under his arm and walked on.
It was getting dark and Ze was more than a little bit tired.So he decided to find a place to spend the night.
About halfway up the hill there was a small house.He thought he would ask if he could spend the night there.
There was a gaggle of hungry-looking children playing in the garden.
They stopped and stared when they saw Ze walking up their path with a creeper wrapped around his waist,a gate over his shoulder, and a pig under one arm. Then they burst into giggles.
The children's mother looked out of the window to see what was happening. Ze gave her a cheerful smile.
"Good evening, Madam," he said. "I'm travelling in search of my fortune and I need somewhere to stay the night."