Chapter2 The Milkman and the Monkey
Chapter2 The Milkman and the Monkey Chapter2 The Milkman and the Monkey BEST MILK! CREAMY MILK! Some time ago, in a certain town in India - whose name I know but will keep to myself - there was a milkman. He made his living by travelling around the town with two silver pans full of milk. "Best milk! Creamy milk!" he would shout. "White as snow! Smooth as silk!" When they heard his call, the people of the town would come out with their wooden bowls. The milkman would take a coin from eac
Chapter2 The Milkman and the Monkey

Chapter2 The Milkman and the Monkey

Some time ago, in a certain town in India - whose name I know but will keep to myself - there was a milkman.
He made his living by travelling around the town with two silver pans full of milk.
"Best milk! Creamy milk!" he would shout. "White as snow! Smooth as silk!"
When they heard his call, the people of the town would come out with their wooden bowls.
The milkman would take a coin from each of them and drop the money into his old coin-bag.
Then he would carefully fill their bowls with milk.
He was a clever little man. He always managed to get hold of milk, even when the other milkmen had run out.
And, at the end of the day, you could hear the money clinking and jingling in his coin-bag.
But everything was not as it seemed with this milkman.
You see, early in the morning, on his way to sell the milk, he used to stop at a well.
He would look carefully around him.Then he would wind a bucketful of water up from the bottom of the well and slip the water into his pans of milk.
So the milk he sold was only half milk. And that way he got twice the amount of money he deserved.
The milkman thought he was pretty clever doing this.
The villagers were simple, honest people.And, if the milk sometimes tasted a bit thin, they would just shake their heads and say,'The cows are drinking a lot of water in this hot weather!"
An old monkey lived in the trees above the well.
If ever the milkman caught sight of her he would hiss, "Sho! Gedoutofit you stupid old BANANA-HEAD!"
The monkey would scamper up into the top branches of the tree.
But she would keep her pale eyes on the milkman, as he wound the bucket up from the bottom of the well.
One day, it was so hot that you could almost cut the air with a knife.
The little milkman stopped at the well in the morning.Then he shooed away the monkey and, as usual, watered down his milk.
It was one of the milkman's good days.
He sold every single drop of his milk and ended up with one hundred coins in his bag.