What Was It Like?
What Was It Like? What Was It Like? The children were excited. They were going to take part in a play. It was all about the history of the town. The play was going to be held in the park, and the children had to rehearse their scene. "I hope we don't forget what to do," said Chip. Gran had come to watch the rehearsal. "My goodness!" she said. "I don't believe it! Biff is wearing a dress!" "That's because we're children from World War Two," said Biff. "Girls didn't wear trousers then."
What Was It Like?

What Was It Like?

The children were excited. They were going to take part in a play.It was all about the history of the town.The play was going to be held in the park, and the children had to rehearse their scene.
"I hope we don't forget what to do," said Chip.
Gran had come to watch the rehearsal.
"My goodness!" she said. "I don't believe it! Biff is wearing a dress!"
"That's because we're children from World War Two," said Biff. "Girls didn't wear trousers then."
"Our town was bombed in the war," said Chip."The bombing was called the Blitz." Gran could remember it.
"I was only a girl," she said, "but I remember the Blitz well."
"You wore awful clothes like these?" said Biff.
"We have to carry these boxes," said Wilma. "But they are empty."
"They weren't empty in the war," said Gran."They had gas masks in them. We had to take them to school every day."
"Gas masks?" gasped Wilf. "Fantastic!"
The children rehearsed their parts. In the play, they were sent away to live in the country.It wasn't safe to stay in the town because of the bombing.
"We have to pretend to be upset," said Wilma.
Chip tried to pull a sad face.
"I'm going to pretend to cry," said Wilf. He made a loud noise blowing his nose.
"Stop it," said Biff. "You're making me laugh."The others began to laugh too. "We shouldn't laugh," said Wilma.
Gran spoke to the children.
"The war was a terrible time for everyone," she said. "It wasn't funny."
"We're sorry, Gran," said Chip. "But it was a long time ago."
After the rehearsal, Wilf and Wilma went home with Biff and Chip.Chip thought about the war. "It must have been a hard time for children then," he said.
"It's hard to imagine what it was like," said Wilf.
"I can't wait to take these clothes off," said Biff. "I hate wearing this dress."
Suddenly the magic key began to glow.The magic took the children off on another adventure.It took them back to a street in London.
"We've come back to the war," gasped Chip."This looks like the scene in our play." They saw a little boy all by himself.
"I was with my school," said the boy, "but I got lost. May I come with you?"
Suddenly there was a long wailing sound.
"That's an air raid warning," said Wilma. "It means we're going to be bombed."
People began to run. A man shouted at them.
"Hey!" he yelled. "Get into the shelter!"
Everyone went into the shelter. Above the shelter, bombs were landing.Everything rocked and shook. "I'm scared," said the little boy.
"So are we," said Wilma. "I hope it's safe down here," said Biff.
The noise went on for about twenty minutes.Then it stopped. Everything was quiet for a little while.Then the loud wailing noise began. The air raid was over. "That was really frightening," said Wilf.
The children came out of the shelter. They couldn't believe their eyes.The street had been bombed. There was smoke and dust everywhere.Wilma put her arm round the little boy.
One building was gone. It was just a pile of bricks.Another building was on fire. Firemen were starting to put the fire out.
"This is terrible," said Wilf. "I didn't think it would be like this."