Zoom! Zoom! Chapter 1 Under the Sea Cara Bear loved to pretend. And she could draw wonderful pictures. Everyone told her that. Cara Bear loved to write stories, too. She started taking a pad and pencil with her wherever she went. "You never know when you'll get a good idea," said Cara Bear. Today Cara Bear went with her mother and brother to the beach. Cara Bear loved the colorful umbrellas and beach balls. The sky was bright blue. The sand felt soft under her feet. An


Chapter 1 Under the Sea
Cara Bear loved to pretend.
And she could draw wonderful pictures.
Everyone told her that.
Cara Bear loved to write stories, too.
She started taking a pad and pencil with her wherever she went.
"You never know when you'll get a good idea," said Cara Bear.
Today Cara Bear went with her mother and brother to the beach.
Cara Bear loved the colorful umbrellas and beach balls.
The sky was bright blue.
The sand felt soft under her feet.
And the sun felt different than in the meadow where she lived.
Cara Bear was happy.
She started to write a new story.
Chapter 2 Cara Bear Writes a Story
This is the story Cara Bear was writing about herself.
"Zooming Along" By Cara Bear
I was swimming underwater.
Everywhere I looked, I could see beautiful fish.
I could swim.
I didn't even need a tank to breathe.
How amazing it all was!
Suddenly, I felt something tap my head.
I turned and saw the long arm of an octopus!
I tried to shout, but I couldn't hear the sound.
The octopus looked surprised.
"Why are you shouting?" the octopus asked me.
I was surprised to hear the octopus speak.
"You are an octopus," I said, holding back my laughter.
"Indeed I am," said the octopus.
"Is that a problem?"
"No, never mind," I said, thinking everything was so unusual.
The octopus just stared and blinked.
"Perhaps you should come and swim with me," said the octopus.