CHAPTER 11 CHAPTER 11 The kids stood looking down at the name tag. "I've seen an apron and name tag like this before," Dink said. "In the supermarket!" "Martin must work there!" Josh said. "Let's go arrest him!" "We can't arrest anybody," Ruth Rose said. "We have to tell Officer Fallon!" Ruth Rose scooped up the apron and wrung out the water. Then the kids raced up the grassy slope and across River Road. Pal loped alongside Josh. On the firehouse driveway, they saw Jake, Lenny, and a c

The kids stood looking down at the name tag.
"I've seen an apron and name tag like this before," Dink said. "In the supermarket!"
"Martin must work there!" Josh said. "Let's go arrest him!"
"We can't arrest anybody," Ruth Rose said. "We have to tell Officer Fallon!"
Ruth Rose scooped up the apron and wrung out the water.Then the kids raced up the grassy slope and across River Road. Pal loped alongside Josh.
On the firehouse driveway, they saw Jake, Lenny, and a couple of other firefighters.The jeep was standing in a puddle of river water.
"Have you seen Officer Fallon?" Dink asked one of the firefighters.
"You just missed him," the man said, pointing to the jeep's open glove compartment."He grabbed some papers and left."
"Do you know if he went to the police station?" Ruth Rose asked.
The firefighter shrugged. "He didn't say."
Dink looked at Josh and Ruth Rose. "What should we do?" he asked.
"If Martin is the crook, we need to let Officer Fallon know," Ruth Rose said.
"But it might be too late," Josh said."If Martin works next door, he might have seen the jeep being dragged over here."
Josh quickly glanced toward the supermarket. "He could be watching us right now!"
Dink thought for a minute. "We saw Martin in a rowboat a while ago,so maybe he isn't working at the market today," he said."He might not know we found the jeep."
Ruth Rose was still holding the damp apron. She looked across the lawn toward the supermarket."Come on," she said. "If Martin isn't working today, maybe we can find out where he lives.And even if he is working, we'll tell Officer Fallon."
They crossed the lawn that separated the fire station from the supermarket.Josh left Pal tied to the bike rack again, and the kids hurried inside.
"Keep your eyes peeled for a big guy with mushroom ears," Josh whispered.
But the store was packed with Sunday shoppers.Dozens of workers in green aprons scurried around. Many of the male employees were pretty big.
"How will we ever find him?" Ruth Rose asked. "Martin could be anywhere!"
"I have an idea," Dink said. "When we were here before, I saw a bunch of pictures of employees. Let's check 'em out."
Josh and Ruth Rose followed Dink toward the back of the store.They cut through the pet food aisle, took a right at the dairy department, and stopped in front of the wall of photographs.