Chapter 2 Look Out, Sal!
Chapter 2 Look Out, Sal! Chapter 2 Look Out, Sal! Most of Sal's adventures would have scared the socks off a regular kid, but not Sal. Sal's scariest adventure happened in the woods one afternoon. She was kicking through the dry, withered leaves, looking for acorns for her pet pigs. Suddenly, Sal stopped. What was that strange noise? She tiptoed to the foot of a giant oak. There was a wide hole at the bottom of the tree. Sal peered in and saw a huge mother bear and her two little ones. Sa
Chapter 2 Look Out, Sal!

Chapter 2 Look Out, Sal!
Most of Sal's adventures would have scared the socks off a regular kid, but not Sal.
Sal's scariest adventure happened in the woods one afternoon.She was kicking through the dry, withered leaves, looking for acorns for her pet pigs.
Suddenly, Sal stopped. What was that strange noise?She tiptoed to the foot of a giant oak.There was a wide hole at the bottom of the tree.Sal peered in and saw a huge mother bear and her two little ones.
Sal's mother had warned her to keep away from bears - especially bears with little ones.Her father had warned her, too.He had often told her the story of the prospector who had been killed by an angry bear trying to protect its little ones.