Chapter 3 Party Time
Chapter 3 Party Time Chapter 3 Party Time The week before the party, Jodie and Prema set to work to produce the invitations, sprinkling them with glitter and writing the details in their tidiest handwriting. Their parents had agreed that they could each invite five friends. Prema laughed when Jodie said that she had never had such a big birthday party before. "Actually, I am thinking that this is a very little party," she said. "If you live in India, the relatives are many, and then there are t
Chapter 3 Party Time

Chapter 3 Party Time
The week before the party, Jodie and Prema set to work to produce the invitations,sprinkling them with glitter and writing the details in their tidiest handwriting.Their parents had agreed that they could each invite five friends.
Prema laughed when Jodie said that she had never had such a big birthday party before."Actually, I am thinking that this is a very little party," she said."If you live in India, the relatives are many, and then there are the family friends and the school friends as well!"
On Prema's birthday, her grandmother was in the kitchen when she came home from school,and there was a large, flat box on the table.
"Nani!" said Prema. "Namaste, my Prema," said Nani, hugging Prema tightly. "Here, open your present."
Inside the box was a beautiful new salwar kameez, teal blue with the pants covered in silver dots.
"Thank you, Nani, I will wear this at the party," Prema said, rubbing the soft fabric against her cheek.
"Your mother tells me that you are having many friends to sleep at your house on Saturday night,"her grandmother said, her eyes gleaming mischievously.
Prema nodded, and Nani smiled broadly."I am very pleased that we are having your real birthday todaybecause there would be too much noise for me at the slumber party!"
On Saturday afternoon, Jodie's mom and dad arrived to help prepare the foodwhile Baba went to the Indian DVD store to choose a movie for the party.
"Please, Baba, get the new one about the nomadic prince and the singing camel," Prema called."My friends in India say that it is very funny," she told Jodie. "What did you bring?"
"I brought a comedy, too," Jodie replied. "This is going to be one hilarious party!"
Ammu was already cooking, emptying a can of condensed milk into a pot and stirring it around and around.
"My mother is making laddu," Prema explained."They are delicious coconut sweets just like truffles, and we always have them on my birthday."
"Do you mind if I cut up this roll of cookies and bake them in your oven?"Jodie's dad asked as Ammu put the pot aside and handed Jodie's mom a tray for the pizzas.
"My kitchen is your kitchen," Ammu said, smiling.
Just before five o'clock, the girls went to Prema's room to change into their new party clothes.Prema spun in front of the mirror, enjoying the glitter of her salwar kameezand the soft chime of the bracelets on her wrists.Jodie spun around, too, to check out her new skinny jeans.