CHAPTER 4 THE ARRIVAL CHAPTER 4 THE ARRIVAL My heart sank when I woke up the next morning. It was raining hard, and we were lying in mud and water. The day before had been so amazing, but that morning, I felt like crying. Jesse squeezed me on the shoulder. "It's only rain and mud, after all," he said as he got up and retrieved his things, getting ready to leave. We scraped together some breakfast, and then we were on the road again. As we walked through Lowndes County, it stopped raining and

My heart sank when I woke up the next morning.It was raining hard, and we were lying in mud and water.The day before had been so amazing, but that morning, I felt like crying.
Jesse squeezed me on the shoulder."It's only rain and mud, after all," he said as he got up and retrieved his things, getting ready to leave.
We scraped together some breakfast, and then we were on the road again.As we walked through Lowndes County, it stopped raining and we talked to the people around us.
One old man told Momma that he was walking for his grandson."My boy is too little to walk yet, but one day, I want him to be able to do anything he likes."The old man waved his walking stick in the air as he talked.
I met another girl, Sarah, who was walking with her aunt who was a friend of Mrs. Rosa Parks-the lady who sat down in the white folks' section of the bus and wouldn't move.Sarah said Mrs. Parks did it because she was just tired,but she was arrested, and after that, a whole storm started brewing.That was what started folks thinking about injustice and discrimination.
Speaking of storms, dark clouds started gathering as we walked, and it began pouring with rain again.Night after night, we slept outside. It was tough sleeping on the hard ground.My legs felt like lead. But we kept on marching.