Chapter 4 Radio Broadcast
Chapter 4 Radio Broadcast Chapter 4 Radio Broadcast Pierre untangled the two tubes, which he connected to the headset and microphone. He adjusted the beret covering his short-cropped hair, placed the headset over his ears, and turned a knob, making the transmitter crackle to life. "This is Victor Hugo with a message for ..." Pierre began. "The tunnel extends from the officers' quarters to ..." Pierre droned into the microphone. As he talked, Aimee became overwhelmed with dread; Pierre had more
Chapter 4 Radio Broadcast

Chapter 4 Radio Broadcast
Pierre untangled the two tubes, which he connected to the headset and microphone.He adjusted the beret covering his short-cropped hair, placed the headset over his ears,and turned a knob, making the transmitter crackle to life.
"This is Victor Hugo with a message for ..." Pierre began."The tunnel extends from the officers' quarters to ..." Pierre droned into the microphone.As he talked, Aimee became overwhelmed with dread;Pierre had more to relay in nine minutes than Jacques' information alone.While holding up one finger, she imagined what would happen if they were discovered.
"Railcars loaded with steel reinforcements were seen heading toward ..." Two fingers ... three.Aimee struggled to keep her hand from shaking.She steeled herself against the fear rising inside of her;if soldiers could face battle, the least she could do is help send them information.Two more minutes ticked past.Would they send it all before the Germans could detect the source of the radio transmission?
Finally, Pierre tapped Jacques' knee and whispered, "Ready when you are, friend."
Aimee allowed herself a calming sigh.Jacques recited his information as Pierre repeated it into the microphone: types of guns, the location of each bunker-Aimee held up two more fingers - and a description of the bunkers.Aimee rapidly shook eight fingers at Pierre.
"Jacques," she whispered, "don't forget the location of the observation pole.But make it quick - we have less than a minute!"
"Oh ... right," stammered Jacques.He nervously rubbed his hands together,giving Aimee a sinking feeling that he couldn't remember this essential piece of information.
"Forty seconds," Aimee cried out, unable to hide the alarm she felt. "Thirty ..."Did she hear footsteps or was that blood pulsing in her ears?
Jacques took a deep breath. "Twenty seconds!"
"Oh!" He jumped up. "I remember ... it is 2.7 kilometers west of the fishing boat harbor."
Pierre rapidly dispatched this last tidbit of information and signed out.He clicked off the transmitter, stood up, and congratulated Jacques."Good work, my friend. Tomorrow I will have good news to share at church."
The visitors asked in unison, "At church?"
"Every morning at 6:30," Pierre chuckled. "My contact and I attend, and during the service we switch prayer books.His contains questions or describes an assignment - like meeting you here tonight-and mine has answers to his older questions or news of completing an assignment.
"You may have saved many lives tonight.Hopefully, before the troops storm the beaches near Jacques' farm,they will knock out the Germans' guns and help liberate France!"
"I am glad I could help," Jacques replied.