CHESTER CHESTER Chester was a wild horse. He lived out West with other wild horses. “I wish someone loved me,” said Chester. “I wish someone took care of me.” “You are silly,” said the other horses. “It is fun to be wild.” One day men came with ropes. They were looking for wild horses. “I am glad to see you,” said Chester. “Please put a rope on me.” “That horse cannot run,” said the men. “We do not want him.” They took all the other horses. They did not take Chester. “No one


Chester was a wild horse.He lived out West with other wild horses.

“I wish someone loved me,” said Chester.“I wish someone took care of me.”

“You are silly,” said the other horses. “It is fun to be wild.”

One day men came with ropes.They were looking for wild horses.

“I am glad to see you,” said Chester.“Please put a rope on me.”

“That horse cannot run,” said the men.“We do not want him.”

They took all the other horses.They did not take Chester.

“No one wants me either,” said a skunk.

“I think I know why,” said Chester.He left in a hurry.

Chester ran and ran. He came to a farm.“Maybe someone here wants me,” he said.

“You can’t give milk,” said a cow.

“You can’t lay eggs,” said a hen.

“And I pull the wagon around here,” said a white horse.

“Good-by,” said Chester. He walked down the road.

A car came by.“This car has 250 horse power,” said the man in the car.

“I have one horse power,” said Chester.

The car stopped at a gas station. Chester stopped too.

“I’ll have ten gallons of gas,” said the man.“I’ll have ten gallons of water,” said Chester.

Chester saw a sign. “I am hungry,” he said.

“Oh, dear, I did not see the first letter.I cannot eat ‘COATS,’” said Chester.

Chester saw a fruit store.“I’ll have a pound of apples,” said a lady.

“I’ll have a pound too,” said Chester.“Can you pay for them?” said the man.“No,” said Chester.
“Then come back when you can pay,” said the man.“All right,” said Chester. “Your apples are good.”
Chester looked in a house. A lady was having tea.“How much sugar do you want?” she said.
“As much as I can have,” said Chester.
Chester went by a toy store.“I wish I had a rocking horse,” said a child.
“I can be a rocking horse,” said Chester. “Look!”
“You are too big for our house,” said the mother.
Chester saw a statue of a horse.“Maybe I can be a statue,” he said.
He stood very still.